L. M. Pereira, E.-A. Dietz, S. Hölldobler, Abductive Framework for Counterfactual Reasoning in Logic Programming
L. M. Pereira, A. Lopes,
Machine Ethics: From
Machine Morals to the Machinery of Morality, book series Studies
in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational
Ethics (SAPERE,
volume 53), XXV+164 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-39629-9,
ISBN 978-3-030-39630-5 (eBook), Springer
Nature AG, Switzerland, 2020.
by Jeffrey
White accepted by the journal Prometheus: Critical
Studies in Innovation
L. M. Pereira, A. Lopes, Máquinas
Éticas: Da Moral da Máquina ŕ Maquinaria Moral, Colecçăo: "Outros Horizontes", 218 pages, ISBN
978-989-54493-4-7, NOVA.FCT Editorial, Campus FCT-UNL, 2829-516
Caparica, Portugal, 2020.
L. M. Pereira, On Morals for Machines & The Machinery of Morals, Colecçăo: Caderno Conferęncias Horizontes do Futuro nş 17, Câmara Municipal de Loulé, 60 pages, ISBN: 978-989-8978-00-4, April, 2019.
L. M. Pereira, A. Saptawijaya, Programming Machine Ethics, Springer SAPERE series, Vol. 26, 194 pages, Flyer, ISBN: 978-3-319-29353-0, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29354-7, Springer Nature AG, Switzerland, March 2, 2016.
Open access review by Robert Kowalski, in "AI & Society" journal, March 2017: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00146-017-0690-y
Review by Sean Welsh, in "Minds and Machines" journal,
August 2016:
L. M. Pereira, A
Máquina Iluminada - Cogniçăo e Computaçăo,
do Caos, Editores, 259 pages, ISBN:
978-989-8647-58-0, Porto, March 2016.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, Reasoning with Logic Programming, LNAI 1111, 326 pages, Springer, Berlin, 1996.
H. Coelho, J. C. Cotta, L. M. Pereira, How to Solve it with Prolog, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), 215 pages, 4th ed. July 1985, Lisbon, 1979.
L. M. Pereira, J. C. Cotta, A. P. Silva, Interrogaçăo em portuguęs por computador da legislaçăo de engenharia civil, 91 pages, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, 1978.
H. Coelho, L. M. Pereira, GEOM: a Prolog geometry theorem prover, Memória nş 525, 70 pages, ISBN: 978-972-49-0632-4, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, 1976.
L. M. Pereira, Layout Schemes from Adjacency Graphs: a case study in problem solving by theory building, PhD thesis, Brunel University UK, 304 pages, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, 1974.
L. M. Pereira, F.
C. Santos, A.
Modelling of Counterfactual Thinking for Judicial Reasoning
and Governance of Law. In: H. S.
Antunes, A. Oliveira (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Perspectives on
Artificial Intelligence and the Law,
Nature AG,
forthcoming 2023.
A. M. Pinto, L. M. Pereira, Layerings
of Logic Programs - Layer Decomposable Semantics and
Incremental Model Computation. In: P. López, J.
Gallagher, R. Giacobazzi
(Eds.), Analysis, Verification and Transformation for
Declarative Programming and Intelligent Systems. Essays
Dedicated to Manuel Hermenegildo on the Occasion of His 60th
Birthday, Springer LNCS
13160, Springer
Nature AG,
A. M. Pinto, L. M. Pereira, Modularization
of Logic Programs. In:
P. López, J.
Gallagher, R.
(Eds.), Analysis,
Dedicated to
on the
Occasion of
His 60th
Springer LNCS
Nature AG,
Cimpeanu, L. M. Pereira, T.
A. Han,
of social and non-social guilt in structured
populations. arXiv preprint
arXiv:2302.09859, 2023.
M. Bhadra, I. Hamada, S. Hölldobler, L. M. Pereira, Humans Reason Skeptically. In: L. Magnani (Ed.), Handbook of Abductive Cognition, Springer Nature AG, Switzerland, 2022.
A. M. Pinto,
L. M. Pereira, Default
Negation in Normal Logic Programs Considered as Minimal
Abduction of Positive Hypotheses. In: L. Magnani (Ed.), Handbook of Abductive Cognition, Springer
Nature AG,
Switzerland, 2022.
Dietz Saldanha, S.
Hölldobler, L. M. Pereira. Our Themes on
Abduction in Human Reasoning: A Synopsis. In:
J. R. Shook, S. Paavola (Eds.), book series Studies
in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE, volume 59), pp. 279-293, ISBN 978-3-030-61772-1, Springer
Nature AG, Switzerland, 2021.
T. A. Han, T.
Lenaerts, F.
C. Santos, L. M. Pereira.
safety commitments provide an escape from
over-regulation in AI development, arXiv 2104.03741, 9 April 2021.
L. M.
Pereira, Da
maquinaria da moral ŕ moral da máquina. In: T. Brandăo, M. E. Gonçalves (eds.), e-book Ensaios
Sobre Cięncia, Cultura e Política Científica, pp.
82-98, Lisboa: Centro Nacional
de Cultura, November 2020.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T.
Lenaerts, F. C. Santos,
Mediating artificial
intelligence developments through negative and positive
incentives, arXiv
2010.00403, 1 October 2020.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos,
Lenaerts, To regulate or not: a social
dynamics analysis of the race for AI supremacy, arXiv
1907.12393v2, 16 January 2020.
L. M. Pereira, Turing
está entre nós.
In: José Carlos Espírito Santo (ed.), Alan
Turing - Cientista Universal, pp. 15-52, ISBN
978-989-8974-02-0, book DOI:
https://doi.org/10.21814/uminho.ed.5, Braga: UMinho Editora,
December 2019.
L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos,
Counterfactual Thinking in
Cooperation Dynamics. In: M.
Fontaine et al. (eds.), Model-Based
Reasoning in Science and Technology - Inferential Models for
Logic Language, Cognition and Computation, ISBN
978-3-030-32721-7, chapter doi: 978-3-030-32722-4_5, pp.
69-82, SAPERE series,
ISSN 2192-6255 vol. 49, Springer, October 2019.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos, T. Lenaerts, Modelling the Safety and Surveillance of the AI Race. arXiv 1907.12393, 26 July 2019.
L. M. Pereira, F. Cardoso, A ilusão do que conta
como agente. In: M. Curado, A. D.
Pereira, A. E. Ferreira (eds.), Vanguardas da
Responsabilidade: Direito, Neurocięncias e Inteligęncia
Artificial. (Col.
Centro de Direito Biomédico, 27), pp. 103-110,
Coimbra: Petrony, June 2019.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, Evolutionary Machine Ethics. In: O. Bendel (ed.), Handbuch Maschinenethik, ISBN 978-3-658-17484-8, chapter doi:10.1007/978-3-658-17484-2_15-1, pp. 229-253, Springer, February 2018.
L. M. Pereira, From Logic
Programming to Machine Ethics. In: O. Bendel
(ed.), Handbuch
Maschinenethik, ISBN 978-3-658-17484-8,
chapter doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-17484-2_14-1, pp.
209-227, Springer, February 2018.
L. M. Pereira, Cibercultura, Simbiose
e Sincretismo. In: H. Pires, M. Curado, F.
Ribeiro, P. Andrade (eds.), Ciber-Cultura:
Circum-navegaçőes em Redes Transculturais de
Conhecimento, Arquivos e Pensamento (book issuing
from Cibercultura
2016), ISBN: 978-989-755-282-3, pp. 45-55, Ediçőes
Húmus, November 2017.
L. M. Pereira,
Saptawijaya, Counterfactuals, Logic
Programming and Agent Morality.
In: R. Urbaniak, G. Payette (eds.), Applications
of Formal Philosophy: The Road Less Travelled, Springer Logic,
Argumentation & Reasoning series,
ISBN: 978-3319585055, pp. 25-54, Springer, October 2017.
L. M. Pereira,
Saptawijaya, Counterfactuals in Critical
Thinking with Application to Morality.
In: Magnani, L., Casadio, C. (eds.), Model-Based
Reasoning in Science and Technology: Logical,
Epistemological, and Cognitive Issues, ISBN
978-3-319-38982-0, chapter doi:
10.1007/978-3-319-38983-7_15, SAPERE series,
ISSN 2192-6255, vol.
27, Springer,
July 2016.
L. M. Pereira, Software sans Emotions but with Ethical Discernment. In: S. Silva (ed.), Morality and Emotion: (Un)conscious Journey into Being, Routledge, ISBN: 978-1-138-12130-0, pp. 83-98, Routledge, June 2016.
Saptawijaya, L. M. Pereira, The Potential of Logic
Programming as a Computational Tool to Model Morality. In: Robert Trappl (ed.), A
Construction Manual for Robots' Ethical Systems:
Requirements, Methods, Implementations, pp.
169-210, ISBN 978-3-319-21547-1, Cognitive
Technologies series, ISSN 1611-2482, Springer,
December 2015.
L. M. Pereira,
Saptawijaya, Bridging Two Realms of
Machine Ethics. In: J.
White, R. Searl (eds.), Rethinking
Machine Ethics in the Age of Ubiquitous Technology, IGI Global, ISBN13:
9781466685925, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8592-5, pp. 197-224 ,
July 2015.
F. Cardoso, L. M. Pereira, On artificial autonomy emergence -- a view from the foothills of a challenging climb, In: J. White, R. Searl (eds.), Rethinking Machine Ethics in the Age of Ubiquitous Technology, IGI Global, ISBN13: 9781466685925, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8592-5, pp. 51-72 , July 2015.
L. M. Pereira, Can we not Copy the Human Brain in the Computer?, In: “Brain.org”, ISBN: 978-989-8380-15-9, pp. 118-126, Fundaçăo Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 2014.
L. M. Pereira, T. A. Han, F. C. Santos, Complex Systems of Mindful Entities -- on Intention Recognition and Commitment, in: L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Theoretical and Cognitive Issues, Select extended papers from Model-Based Reasoning 2012 ITALY (MBR_012), ISBN 978-3-642-37427-2, vol. 8, pp. 499-525, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE) series, ISSN 2192-6255, Springer, 2014.
L. M. Pereira, P. Dell'Acqua, A. M. Pinto, G. Lopes, Inspecting and Preferring Abductive Models, in: K. Nakamatsu, L.C. Jain (eds.), The Handbook on Reasoning-Based Intelligent Systems, pp. 243-274, ISBN: 978-981-4329-47-7, World Scientific Publishers, March 2013.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, Intention-based Decision Making via Intention Recognition and its Applications, in: H. Guesgen, S. Marsland (eds.), Human Behavior Recognition Technologies: Intelligent Applications for Monitoring and Security, pp. 174-211, ISBN 978-1-4666-3682-8, IGI Global, 2013.
L. M. Pereira, Evolutionary Tolerance, in: L. Magnani, L. Ping (eds.), Philosophy and Cognitive Science - Western & Eastern Studies. Select extended papers from the PCS2011 Intl. Conf., SAPERE series, ISSN 2192-6255, vol. 2, pp. 263-287, ISBN 978-3-642-29927-8, Springer-Verlag, 2012.
B. Mirkin, S. Nascimento, L. M. Pereira, Method for Intelligent Representation of Research Activities of an Organization over a Taxonomy of its Field, in: R. Kountchev, K. Nakamatsu (eds.), Advances in Reasoning-Based Image Processing Intelligent Systems: Conventional and Intelligent Paradigms, Series on Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol.29, pp. 423-454, ISBN-13: 978-3642246920, Springer, 2012.
L. M. Pereira, Evolutionary Psychology and the Unity of Sciences - Towards an Evolutionary Epistemology, in: O. Pombo, J. M. Torres, J. Symons, S. Rahman (eds.), Special Sciences and the Unity of Science, Series on Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Vol.24, pp. 163-175, ISBN: 978-94-007-2029-9, Springer, 2012.
L. M. Pereira, A. Saptawijaya, Modelling Morality with Prospective Logic, in: M. Anderson, S. L. Anderson (eds.), "Machine Ethics", pp. 398-421, ISBN: 978-0521112352, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
L. M. Pereira, T. A. Han, Elder Care by means of Intention Recognition and Evolution Prospection, in: S.Abreu, D. Seipel (eds.), select extended papers from the 18th Intl.Conf. on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP'09), pp. 170-187, ISBN: 978-3-642-20588-0, Springer, LNAI 6547, 2011.
L. M. Pereira, A. M. Pinto, Stable Model implementation of Layer Supported Models by program transformation, in: S.Abreu, D. Seipel (eds.), select extended papers from the 18th Intl.Conf. on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP'09), pp. 70-84, ISBN: 978-3-642-20588-0, Springer, LNAI 6547, 2011.
L. M. Pereira, A. M. Pinto, Adaptive Reasoning for Cooperative Agents, in: S.Abreu, D. Seipel (eds.), select extended papers from the 18th Intl.Conf. on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP'09), pp. 102-116, ISBN: 978-3-642-20588-0, Springer, LNAI 6547, 2011.
L. M. Pereira, T. A. Han, Intention Recognition with Evolution Prospection and Causal Bayesian Networks, select updated papers from Intl. Symp. on Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems, in: A. Madureira, J. Ferreira, Z. Vale (eds.), "Computational Intelligence for Engineering Systems: Emergent Applications", Vol. 46 in the "Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering Book Series", pp. 1-33, Springer, online 2010, hardcopy 2011.
L. M. Pereira, A. M. Pinto, Inspecting Side-Effects of Abduction in Logic Programs, invited paper in: M. Balduccini, T. C. Son (eds.), "Logic Programming, Knowledge Representation, and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Essays in honour of Michael Gelfond", Procs. Symposium on Constructive Mathematics in Computer Science, 2010, and M. Balduccini, T. C. Son (eds.), "Gelfond Festschrift", pp. 148-163, ISBN: 978-3-642-20831-7, Springer LNAI 6565, 2011.
B. Mirkin, S. Nascimento, L. M. Pereira, Cluster-Lift Method for Mapping Research Activities over a Concept Tree, in: J. Koronacki, Z.W. Ras, S.T. Wierzchon, J. Kacprzyk (eds.), "Advances in Machine Learning II", Dedicated to the memory of Ryszard S. Michalski, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 263, pp. 245-257, Springer, January 2010.
L. M. Pereira, A. M. Pinto, Collaborative vs. Conflicting Learning, Evolution and Argumentation, in: H. R. Tizhoosh, M. Ventresca (eds.), Oppositional Concepts in Computational Intelligence, pp. 61-89, Springer (series Studies in Computational Intelligence 155), 2008.
B. Mirkin, S. Nascimento, L. M. Pereira, ACM Classification Can Be Used for Representing Research Organizations, DIMACS Center for Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 1-18, Technical Report 2007-13, September 2007.
L. M. Pereira, P. Dell'Acqua, G. Lopes, Prospective Updating of Theories with Preferences, in: O. Pombo, A. Gerner (eds.), Abduction and the Process of Scientific Discovery, pp. 65-96, Colecçăo Documenta, Centro de Filosofia das Cięncias da Universidade de Lisboa, Publidisa, September 2007.
L. M. Pereira, Memorando - um sistema de avaliaçăo de mérito no ensino universitário, in: A. Amaral (ed.), Avaliaçăo, Revisăo e Consolidaçăo da Legislaçăo do Ensino Superior, pp. 369-385, Cipes, Fundaçăo das Universidades Portuguesas, June 2003.
L. M. Pereira et al., Reformar o Ensino Superior - documento colectivo, in: A. Amaral (ed.), Avaliaçăo, Revisăo e Consolidaçăo da Legislaçăo do Ensino Superior, pp. 221-231, Cipes, Fundaçăo das Universidades Portuguesas, June 2003.
P. Dell'Acqua, L. M. Pereira, Preferring and Updating in Logic-based Agents, in: Bartenstein, Geske, Hannebauer, Yoshie (eds.), Web-Knowledge Management and Decision Support, Selected papers from the 14th Intl.Conf. on Applications of Prolog (INAP'01), pp. 69-84, Springer, LNAI 2543, 2003.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, Logic Programming Updating - a guided approach, in: A.Kakas, F.Sadri (eds.), Computational Logic: From Logic Programming into the Future - Essays in honour of Robert Kowalski, volume 2, pp. 382-412, Springer LNAI 2408, 2002.
M. Bruynooghe, L. M. Pereira, J. Siekmann, M. van Emden, A Portrait of the Scientist as a Computational Logician, in: A.Kakas, F.Sadri (eds.), Computational Logic: From Logic Programming into the Future - Essays in honour of Robert Kowalski, volume 1, pp. 1-4, Springer LNAI 2407, 2002.
L. M. Pereira, Philosophical Incidence of Logical Programming, in: Handbook of the Logic of Argument and Inference, D. Gabbay et al. (eds.), pp. 425-448, Studies in Logic and Practical Reasoning series, volume 1, (appeared also in Revista Intelectu, nş 6, December 2001), Elsevier Science 2002.
D. De Schreye, M. Hermenegildo, L. M. Pereira, Paving the Roadmaps: Enabling and Integration Technologies, in: CompulogNet Roadmap, 2000.
C. V. Damásio, L. M. Pereira, A Survey on Paraconsistent Semantics for Extended Logic Programs, in: D.M. Gabbay, Ph. Smets (eds.), Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems, vol. 2, pp. 241-320, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
J. A. Leite, L. M. Pereira, Actualizaçăo de
Programas em Lógica, Technical Report, Dept.
de Informatica, Faculdade de Cięncias e Tecnologia,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1998.
C. V. Damásio, L. M. Pereira, Application to Diagnosis, Debugging and Updating of Logic Programs with Implicit and Explicit Negation, in: V. Dahl, A. Sobrino (eds.) Estudios sobre programación lógica y sus aplicaciones, Cursos e Congresos da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela nş89, pp. 131-170, Série Cursos de Verán, 1996.
C. V. Damásio, W. Nejdl, L. M. Pereira, M. Schroeder, Model-based Diagnosis Preferences and Strategies Representation with Logic Meta-Programming, in: K. Apt, F. Turini (eds.), Meta-Logics and Logic Programming, pp. 267-308, MIT Press, 1995.
J. C. Cunha, P. Medeiros, M. B. Carvalhosa, L. M. Pereira, Delta Prolog: a Distributed Logic Language and its Implementation on Distributed-Memory Multiprocessors, in: Implementations of Distributed Prolog, P. Kacsulik, M. Wise (eds.), John Wiley and Sons, 1992.
L. M. Pereira, Máquinas Humanas, in: Pensar a Cięncia, M. C. Leite (ed.), pp 159-167, Gradiva, Lisbon 1988.
L. M. Pereira, A. Porto, A Prolog Implementation of a Large System on a Small Machine, in: Applications of Logic Programming, D.H.D. Warren, M. van Caneghem (eds.), Ablex Publ. Co. 1985.
M. Bruynooghe, L. M. Pereira, Deduction Revision by Intelligent Backtracking, in: Implementations of Prolog, J.Campbell (ed.), pp. 196-215, Ellis Horwood, 1984.
L. M. Pereira, Logic Control with Logic, in: Implementations of Prolog, pp. 177-193, J.Campbell (ed.), Ellis Horwood, 1984.
L. M. Pereira, E. Oliveira, P. Sabatier, Expert Evaluation in Logic of Environmental Resources through Natural Language, in: Artificial and Human Intelligence, A. Elithorn, R. Banerji (eds.), pp. 309-312, NATO colloquium, Elsevier, 1984.
L. M. Pereira, E. Oliveira, P. Sabatier, Um sistema pericial para o conhecimento biofísico do território interrogável em Portuguęs - ORBI, in: Final report FCT/DI-19/82, pp. 1-241, Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Cięncias e Tecnologia, UNL, October 1982.
L. M. Pereira, A. Porto, Selective Backtracking, in: Logic Programming, Clark and Tärnlund (eds.), pp. 107-114, Academic Press, 1982.
D. L. Bowen (editor) , L. Byrd, F. C. N. Pereira, L. M. Pereira, D. H. D. Warren, DECsystem-10 PROLOG USER'S MANUAL, report of Department of Artificial Intelligenc, University of Edinburgh, 10 November 1982.
L. M. Pereira, L. Monteiro, The Semantics of Parallelism and Co-routining in Logic Programming, in: Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai 26, Mathematical Logic in Computer Science, 1978, pp. 611-657, North-Holland, 1981.
L. M. Pereira, A. Porto, Selective Backtracking at Work, in: Report CIUNL 9/80, Centro de Informática, UNL, 1980.
L. M. Pereira, F. C. N. Pereira, D. H. D. Warren, User's Guide to DECsystem-10 PROLOG, report of LNEC, October 1978.
L. M. Pereira, Artifical Intelligence Techniques in Automatic Layout Design, in: J.-C. Latombe (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition in Computer Aided Design, pp. 159-173, North-Holland, 1978.
L. Monteiro, L. M. Pereira, Aspectos Cibernéticos da Epistemologia, in: V. O. Jorge, J. A. Meireles, L. M. Pereira (eds.) Novas Perspectivas das Cięncias do Homem, Actas do Colóquio sobre Epistemologia das Cięncias do Homem, IST, pp. 2-16, Editorial Presença, Lisbon, 1970.
L. M. Pereira (translator), Herbert A. Simon, As Cięncias do Artificial, Colecçăo Studium nş 95, Arménio Amado, Coimbra 1981. A translation of The Sciences of the Artificial, 2nd edition, MIT Press, 1981.
L. M. Pereira (translator), Gordon Pask, Uma introduçăo ŕ Cibernética, Colecçăo Studium nş 88, Arménio Amado, Coimbra 1970. A translation of An Approach to Cybernetics, 2nd edition, Hutchinson & Co, London, 1968.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T.
Lenaerts (Eds.), Special issue: Emergence of the Cognitive
Mechanisms for Cooperation, frontiers in Robotics and AI,
section on Evolutionary Robotics, 2019.
L. M. Pereira, J. Neves, J. Machado, M. Santos (Eds.), Special issue: Progress in artificial intelligence II, select extended papers from 13th Portuguese Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence - Part II, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), 2(1), 2010.
L. M. Pereira, J. Neves, J. Machado, M. Santos (Eds.), Special issue: Progress in artificial intelligence I, select extended papers from 13th Portuguese Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence - Part I, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), 1(3/4), 2009.
L. M. Pereira, G. Wheeler (Eds.), Special issue of selected extended papers arising from the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications (CMSRA-IV). Journal of Applied Logic, 5(4), Elsevier, December 2007.
L. M. Pereira, G. Wheeler (Eds.), Procs. Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications (CMSRA-IV), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, September 21-23, 2005.
C. Delrieux, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), Special issue selected extended papers arising from the Third International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications. Journal of Applied Logic, 2(4), 2004.
M. Ojeda-Aciego, I. P. de Guzmán, G. Brewka, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), Special issue on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Studia Logica, 2002.
P. Quaresma, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), Procs. of the APPIA-GULP-PRODE''01, Joint Conf. on Declarative Programming (AGP'01), Évora, Portugal, September 2001.
M. Ojeda-Aciego, I. P. de Guzmán, G. Brewka, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'00), Procs. of European Workshop, Málaga, LNAI 1919, Springer, September-October 2000.
J. Lloyd, V. Dahl, U. Furbach, M. Kerber, K. Lau, C. Palamidessi, L. M. Pereira, Y. Sagiv, P. J. Stuckey (Eds.), Computational Logic (CL 2000), Procs. of the First Intl.Conf. on Computational Logic - CL 2000, London, UK, LNAI 1861, Springer, 2000.
J. Dix, L. M. Pereira, T. C. Przymusinski (Eds.), Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation, ILPS'97 Workshop (selected papers), LNAI 1471, Springer, 1998.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), , Special issue with Selected papers from JELIA'96, European Workshop, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1998.
J. Dix, L. M. Pereira and T. C. Przymusinski (Eds.), Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming, IJCSLP'96 Workshop (selected papers), LNAI 1216, Springer, 1997.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, E. Orlowska (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'96), European Workshop, LNAI 1126, Springer, 1996.
J. Dix, L. M. Pereira, T. C. Przymusinski (eds.), Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming, ICLP'94 Workshop (selected papers), LNAI 927, Springer, 1995.
C. MacNish, D. Pearce, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA'94), European Workshop, LNAI 838, Springer, 1994.
L. M. Pereira, A. Nerode (Eds.), Logic
Programming and Non--monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR'93), Procs. of the Second Intl. Workshop, The MIT
Press, 1993.
P. Barahona, A. Porto, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), 5th Portuguese Intl. AI Conf. (EPIA'91), LNAI 541, Springer, 1991.
L. M. Pereira (Org.), 6th Int. Conf. on Logic
Programming (ICLP'89), The MIT Press, 1989. Poster
L. M. Pereira,
A. Porto, L.
Monteiro, M.
Filgueiras (Eds.), Procs. Logic Programming Workshop'83, 630 pp., Praia da
Falésia, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal, June 26-July 1,
1983. Published by Departamento de Informática,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 1983.
and Poster
L. M. Pereira
(Ed.), Logic Programming
Newsletter 1981-1984.
V. O. Jorge, J. A. Meireles, L. M. Pereira (Eds.), Novas Perspectivas das Cięncias do Homem, Actas do Colóquio sobre Epistemologia das Cięncias do Homem, IST, Editorial Presença, Lisbon, 1970.
Cimpeanu, F. C. Santos, L.
M. Pereira, T.
Lenaerts, T. A. Han, Artificial
Intelligence Development Races in
Heterogeneous Settings,
in: Scientific
Reports SREP-21-02388, February
T. A. Han, T.
Lenaerts, F.
C. Santos, L. M.
Pereira, Voluntary safety commitments provide an escape
from over-regulation in AI development,
in: Technology in Society,
(2022) 101843, January 2022.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T.
Lenaerts, F. C. Santos, Mediating Artificial Intelligence
Developments through Negative and Positive
Incentives, in: PLoS ONE
(Public Library of
Science ONE), 16(1): e0244592, January 2021.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos, T. Lenaerts, To Regulate or Not: A Social Dynamics Analysis of an Idealised AI Race, in: JAIR (Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research), 69 (2020) 881-921, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1613/jair.1.12225, November 2020.
L. M. Pereira, The
Carousel of Ethical Machinery, in: AI
& Society (Journal of
Knowledge, Culture and Communication), vol. 36(1),
185-196, DOI: 10.1007/s00146-020-00994-0, shared link: https://rdcu.be/b4r7e,
online 27 May 2020.
L. M. Pereira, A machine is cheaper than a human for the same task, in: AI & Society (Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication), vol. 34(1), DOI: 10.1007/s00146-018-0874-0, online 02 January 2019.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, Evolutionary Machine Ethics
Synopsis, (Japanese
version) invited paper in: Journal of the Japanese Society
for Artificial Intelligence,
vol. 34 (2):152-159, March 2019.
L. M. Pereira, Should I kill or rather not?, in: AI & Society (Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication), DOI: 10.1007/s00146-018-0850-8, open access here, online 04 June 2018. Print issue vol.34 (4):939-943, December 2019.
A. Martinez-Vaquero, T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T.
Lenaerts, When agreement-accepting
free-riders are a necessary evil for the evolution of
cooperation, Scientific
Reports 7:2478, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02625-z,
online 30 May 2017.
L. M. Pereira, Cyberculture, Symbiosis
and Syncretism, in: AI &
Society (Journal of Knowledge, Culture
and Communication), DOI: 10.1007/s00146-017-0715-6, open access here, online 21
March 2017. Print
issue vol.33 (3):447-452, August 2018.
Saptawijaya, L. M. Pereira,
Logic Programming for
Modeling Morality, in:
Magnani, L., Casadio, C. (Eds.), Special Issue on
"Formal Representations of Model-Based Reasoning and
Abduction", of The Logic
Journal of the IGPL,
vol. 24(4): 510-525, DOI: 10.1093/jigpal/jzw025, online
9 May, August 2016.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T. Lenaerts, Evolution of Commitment and Level of Participation in Public Goods Games, in: Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), DOI: 10.1007/s10458-016-9338-4, 3(31):561–583, May 2017. open access here online 14 June 2016.
L. M. Pereira, A. Saptawijaya, Abduction and Beyond in Logic Programming with Application to Morality, in: Magnani, L. (Ed.), IfColog Journal of Logics and their Applications, Special issue on Abduction, 3(1):37-71, May 2016.
Deng, The
Robot's Dilemma, Interviews L. M. Pereira,
in: Nature,
pp. 24-26, vol. 53, 2 July 2015.
L. A. Martinez-Vaquero, T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T. Lenaerts, Apology and Forgiveness Evolve to Resolve Failures in Cooperative Agreements, Scientific Reports, Sci. Rep. 5:10639, DOI:10.1038/srep10639, 9 June 2015.
A. Saptawijaya, L. M. Pereira, TABDUAL: a Tabled Abduction System for Logic Programs, IfColog Journal of Logics and their Applications, 2(1):69-123, June 2015.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos,
Lenaerts, Emergence
of Cooperation via Intention Recognition, Commitment, and
Apology -- A Research Summary, AI
Communications, DOI:10.3233/AIC-150672,
vol. 28(4):709-715, preprint online June 2015.
T. A. Han, F. C. Santos, T. Lenaerts, L. M. Pereira, Synergy between intention recognition and commitments in cooperation dilemmas, Scientific Reports, Sci. Rep. 5:9312, DOI:10.1038/srep09312, 20 March 2015.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T. Lenaerts, Avoiding or Restricting Defectors in Public Goods Games?, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2014.1203 (online: 24 December 2014), 12:103, February 2015.
L. M. Pereira, E.-A. Dietz, S. Hölldobler, Contextual Abductive Reasoning with Side-Effects, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 14(4-5):633-648, doi: 10.1017/S1471068414000258, July 2014.
A. Saptawijaya, L. M. Pereira, Tabled Abduction in Logic Programs, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 13(4-5-Online-Supplement), July 2013.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos, T. Lenaerts, Good Agreements Make Good Friends, Scientific Reports, Sci. Rep. 3:2695, DOI:10.1038/srep02695, 2013.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, Context-dependent Incremental Decision Making Srutinizing Intentions of Others via Bayesian Network Model Construction, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT), 7 (4):293-317, doi:10.3233/IDT-130170, 2013.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, State-of-the-Art of Intention Recognition and its Use in Decision Making, AI Communications, doi: 10.3233/AIC-130559; 26 (2): 237–246, 2013.
L. M. Pereira, Turing is Among Us, Journal of Logic and Computation, doi: 10.1093/logcom/exs035, 22(6):1257-1277, December 2012.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos, Corpus-based Intention Recognition in Cooperation Dilemmas, Artificial Life, doi:10.1162/ARTL_a_00072, 18(4) 365-383, Fall 2012.
L. M. Pereira, Book review of 'Computational Logic and Human Thinking: How to be Artificially Intelligent' by Robert Kowalski, AI Communications, 25(4):361-364, 2012.
M. Alberti, P. Dell'Acqua, L. M. Pereira, Observation Strategies for Event Detection with Incidence on Runtime Verification: Theory, Algorithms, Experimentation, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, "Special Issue: Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion", 62(3):161-186 (2012). DOI: 10.1007/s10472-011-9259-5, Online First, 06 August 2011.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, F. C. Santos, Intention Recognition Promotes The Emergence of Cooperation, Adaptive Behavior, doi: 10.1177/1059712311410896, 19(3):264-279, August 2011.
L. M. Pereira, Tolerância Evolucionária, Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 30(2) 117-147, 2010. Talk Audio from 2011 conference presentation.
B. Mirkin, S. Nascimento, T. Fenner, L. M. Pereira, Building Fuzzy Thematic Clusters and Mapping Them to Higher Ranks in a Taxonomy, International Journal of Software and Informatics (IJSI), special issue of select extended papers from KSEM 2010, 4(3):257-275, November 2010.
L. M. Pereira, C. K. Ramli, Modelling Decision Making with Probabilistic Causation, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT), 4(2):133-148, 2010.
L. M. Pereira, Moral Computacional, Jornal de Cięncias Cognitivas, December 2009.
L. M. Pereira, T. A. Han, Evolution Prospection in Decision Making, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT), 3(3):157-171, 2009.
L. M. Pereira, G. Lopes, Prospective Logic Agents, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), 1(3/4):200-208, 2009.
L. M. Pereira, A. Saptawijaya, Modelling Morality with Prospective Logic, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), 1(3/4):209-221, 2009.
L. M. Pereira, Evolving Towards Evolutionary Epistemology, Invited paper in: International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems (IJRIS), 1(1-2):68-76, 2009.
L. M. Pereira, Rumo a uma Epistemologia Evolucionária Simbiótica, Jornal de Cięncias Cognitivas, December 2008.
L. M. Pereira, Auto-Entrevista sobre IA, 2008, Jornal de Cięncias Cognitivas, December 2008.
G. Wheeler, L. M. Pereira, Methodological Naturalism and Epistemic Internalism, Synthčse, 163(3):315–328, 2008.
L. M. Pereira, Darwinismo Literário e Computaçăo, Jornal de Cięncias Cognitivas, January 2008.
L. M. Pereira, La incidencia filosófica de la programación lógica, Invited paper in: ÁGORA, Papeles de Filosofía, vol. 26, nş 1, pp. 153-185, U. Santiago de Compostela, 2007.
P. Dell'Acqua, L. M. Pereira, Preferential theory revision, Journal of Applied Logic, 5(4):586-601, Elsevier, December 2007.
L. M. Pereira, G. Wheeler (eds.), Introduction, Special issue of selected extended papers arising from the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications. Journal of Applied Logic, 5(4):575-576, Elsevier, December 2007.
L. M. Pereira, Towards an Evolutionary Epistemology, Invited paper in: CIM Bulletin, No. 22, Centro Internacional de Matemática, June 2007.
L. M. Pereira, Gödel e a Computabilidade, Invited paper, special issue commemorative of Kurt Gödel 's birth centenary, in: Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática, nr.55:77-90, October 2006. English version here
J. Alcântara, C. V. Damásio, L. M. Pereira, An Encompassing Framework for Paraconsistent Logic Programs, Journal of Applied Logic, 3(1): 67-95, Elsevier, 2005.
C. Delrieux, L. M. Pereira (eds.), Editorial, Special issue arising from the Third International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific Reasoning and Applications. Journal of Applied Logic, 2(4): 381-384, 2004.
P. Dell'Acqua, L. M. Pereira, Common-sense reasoning as proto-scientific agent activity, Journal of Applied Logic, 2(4): 385-407, Elsevier, 2004.
G. Wheeler, L. M. Pereira, Epistemology and Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Applied Logic, 2(4): 469-493, Elsevier, 2004.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, T. Swift, Abduction in Well-Founded Semantics and Generalized Stable Models via Tabled Dual Programs, Theory and Practice of logic Programming, 4(4):383-428, July 2004.
E. Lamma, L. M. Pereira, F. Riguzzi, Belief Revision via Lamarckian Evolution, New Generation Computing, 21(3):247-275, Ohmsha and Springer, August 2003.
C. V. Damásio, L. M. Pereira, Hybrid Probabilistic Logic Programs as Residuated Logic Programs, Special issue on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, Studia Logica, 72(2):113-118, 2002.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, H. Przymusinska, T. C. Przymusinski, LUPS - a language for updating logic programs, Artificial Intelligence, 138(1-2), 2002.
P. Froehlich, W. Nejdl, M. Schroeder, C. V. Damásio, L. M. Pereira, Using Extended Logic Programming for Alarm-Correlation in Cellular Phone Networks, Intl. J. Applied Intelligence, 17(2), Kluwer, 2002.
J. A. Leite, J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, H. Przymusinska, T. C. Przymusinski, A Language for Multi-dimensional Updates, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 70(5), 2002.
P. Dell'Acqua, U. Nilsson, L. M. Pereira, A Logic Based Asynchronous Multi-Agent System, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 70(5), 2002.
L. M. Pereira, Incidęncia Lógica da IA, Disputatio 10:36-57, Revista do Centro de Linguagem, Lógica e Cogniçăo, "Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia", May 2001.
L. M. Pereira, Recençăo de “Science et Communication” de Joăo Caraça, Análise Social, vol. XXXV, nş 157:1154-1158, Winter 2001.
J. J. Alferes, J. A. Leite, L. M. Pereira, H. Przymusinska, T. C. Przymusinski, Dynamic Updates of Non-Monotonic Knowledge Bases, The Journal of Logic Programming, 45(1-3):43-70, September/October 2000.
E. Lamma, F. Riguzzi, L. M. Pereira, Strategies in Combined Learning via Logic Programs, Machine Learning, 38(1-2):63-87, January 2000.
L. M. Pereira, The Logical Impingement of Artificial Intelligence, Grazer Philosophische Studien (Internationale Zeitschrift Für Analytische Philosophie), Analytical Philosophy in Portugal, António Zilhăo (ed.), Amsterdam/Atlanta, 56:183-204, 1998/99.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, T. C. Przymusinski, 'Classical' Negation in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming, J. Automated Reasoning, (20):107-142, 1998.
J. J. Alferes, J. A. Leite, L. M. Pereira, H. Przymusinska, T. C. Przymusinski, Dynamic Logic Programming, Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 2(1997): nş 18. http://www.ep.liu.se/ea/cis/1997/018/. December, 1997.
R. Li, L. M. Pereira, Knowledge Assimilation in Domains of Actions: A Possible Causes Approach, J. Applied Non-Classical Logics, Special issue on Inconsistency Handling in Knowledge Systems, 7(1):77-116, 1997.
R. Li, L. M. Pereira, Representing and Reasoning about Concurrent Actions with Abductive Logic Programs, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 21:245-303, 1997.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, T. C. Przymusinski, Belief Revision in Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Logic Programming, Fundamenta Informaticae, 28 (1-2):1-22, November 1996.
J. J. Alferes, L. M. Pereira, Belief, Provability and Logic Programs, J. Applied Non-Classical Logics, 5(1):31-50, 1995.
J. J. Alferes, C. V. Damásio, L. M. Pereira, A Logic Programming System for Non-monotonic Reasoning, J. Automated Reasoning, (14):93-147, 1995.
L. M. Pereira, J. J. Alferes, J. N. Aparício, Adding Closed World Assumptions to Well Founded Semantics, Theoretical Computer Science, 122:49-68, 1994.
L. M. Pereira, J. N. Aparício, J. J. Alferes, Non--monotonic Reasoning with Logic Programming, The Journal of Logic Programming, 17(2-3-4):227-263, 1993.
L. M. Pereira, Inteligęncia artificial: mito e cięncia, Invited paper in: Revista Colóquio/Cięncias, Fundaçăo Calouste Gulbenkian, nş3, pp. 1-13, (Reprinted in Revista Intelectu, nş 5, February 2001), Lisboa, October 1988.
H. Coelho, L. M. Pereira, Automated reasoning in geometry theorems with Prolog, J. Automated Reasoning, 2(4):329-390, 1986.
L. M. Pereira, Computo logo simbolizo, in: Psicologia, vol.2, 1983.
L. M. Pereira, Prolegómeno a uma neurologia artificial, in: Análise Psicológica, vol. 11(4), pp. 519-522, 1979. English version here
L. M. Pereira, PROLOG, linguagem de resoluçăo de problemas pela lógica, Parts 1 & 2, in: Informática - Revista da Associaçăo Portuguesa de Informática, 2(4), pp. 9-11, 37-41, 1978, 2(6), pp. 37-42, 1979.
D. H. D. Warren, L. M. Pereira, F. C. N. Pereira, Prolog - The Language and its Implementation Compared with LISP, ACM Symposium on A.I. and Programming Languages, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 109--115, August 1977.
L. M. Pereira, Issues in Heuristics, Técnica, IST, Lisbon, 1970.
L. M. Pereira, Introduçăo aos Autómatos Infinitos e Teoria da Computabilidade, Técnica, nr. 395, pp. 265-273, and nr. 396 pp. 321-328, IST, Lisbon, 1970.
L. M. Pereira, Cibernética - Epistemologia, Técnica, nr. 383, pp. 161-165, IST, Lisbon, 1968.
M. Pereira, Inteligência
Artificial Ética na Administração Pública,
Newsletter do Conselho Geral da Universidade de Évora,
Vol.1, No.1, May, 2023.
T. A. Han, L. M. Pereira, T.
Lenaerts, AI
developers often ignore safety in the pursuit of a
breakthrough – so how do we regulate them without blocking
The Conversation,
March 18, 2021.
L. M. Pereira, A. Saptawijaya, Counterfactuals in Critical Morality -- A Summary, The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, Vol. 28, No. 4, October/December 2015.
L. M. Pereira, Turing is Among Us (Abstract), in: The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, Vol. 25, No. 3, July 2012.
L. M. Pereira, Book review of 'Computational Logic and Human Thinking: How to be Artificially Intelligent' by Robert Kowalski, in: The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, Vol. 25, No. 1, January/March 2012.
L. M. Pereira, A. Saptawijaya, Computational Modelling of Morality, The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, Vol. 22, No. 1, February/March 2009.
L. M. Pereira, Wiki or Bust, The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, Vol. 20, No. 2, May/June 2007.
L. M. Pereira, Logic Programming in Wikipedia: Call for Help or Call to Arms? The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, Vol. 20, No. 1, Feb./Mar. 2007.
L. M. Pereira, REWERSE - Reasoning on the Web with Rules and Semantics, Computational Logic Newsletter 5:8-9, December 2003.
L. M. Pereira, Implementing Rational Features for Agents in Logic Programming, Computational Logic Newsletter 5:11-13, December 2003.
L. M. Pereira, R.Kahle, Cooperation of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Technische Universität at Dresden in the field of Computational Logic, Computational Logic Newsletter 3:26-26, March 2003.
J. J. Alferes, P. Dell'Acqua, E. Lamma, J. A. Leite, L. M. Pereira, F. Riguzzi, A Logic Based Approach to Multi-Agent Systems, Invited Paper in: The Association for Logic Programming Newsletter, 14(3): 13 pp., August 2001.
L. M. Pereira, A Prolog Demand Driven Interpreter, Logic Programmmig Newsletter 4, Winter 1982.
L. M. Pereira, A. Porto, Pure Lisp in Pure Prolog, Logic Programming Newsletter 3, Summer 1982.
L. M. Pereira, A. Porto, All Solutions, Logic Programming Newsletter 2, Fall 1981.
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2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990
1989 1988 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1973 1972 1970
Talk recordings sound tools: Audio reader for Windows URL for audio readers Audio formats conversion tool
M. Pereira,
T. A.
of social and
guilt in
in 22th Intl.
Conf. on
Agents and
(AAMAS 2023),
Ricci, W.
Yeoh, N.
Agmon, B. An
(Eds.), Proceedings
ACM Digital
UK. May 29 -
June 2, 2023.
in 2nd
Intl. Conf. on Disruptive Technologies Tech Ethics and
Artificial Intelligence (DiTTEt 2022), Salamanca, Spain,
July 20-22, 2022.
13:40 mins 167,7 MB Slides
with talk sound 13:40 mins 6,7 MB
Cimpeanu, F. C. Santos,
L. M. Pereira,
Lenaerts, T. A. Han, Network
Diversity Promotes Safety Adoption in Swift Artificial
Intelligence Development,
in 2022 Conference on
Artificial Life (ALIFE 2022),
Trento, Italy, July 18-22, 2022.
A. Han, F. C. Santos,
L. M.
Pereira, T. Lenaerts, Voluntary safety pledges
overcome over-regulation dilemma in AI
development: an evolutionary game analysis,
in 2022 Conference on
Artificial Life (ALIFE 2022),
Trento, Italy, July 18-22, 2022.
Cimpeanu, T. A.
Han, F. C.
Santos, L. M.
Pereira, T.
Lenaerts, Heterogeneous Interactions in
Artificial Intelligence Development Races, in Conference
on Complex Systems (CSS
2021), Lyon, France, October 25-29,
2021. Video