Book Chapters
- On Combining Ontologies and Rules. M. Knorr. In M. Simkus and I. Varzinczak (eds.) ReasoningWeb, Declarative Artificial Intelligence – 17th International Summer School 2021, Tutorial Lectures, 22-58, vol. 13100 of LNCS, Springer, 2022
- Automated reasoning. M. Knorr. In R. Alhajj and J. Rokne (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (2nd Ed.), Springer, 2018.
- Description logics. M. Knorr and P. Hitzler, In D. M. Gabbay, J. H. Siekmann and J. Woods (eds.) Computational Logic, Vol. 9 of the Handbook of the History of Logic, Elsevier, 2014, 659-678. ISBN 13: 978-0-444-51624-4
- Forgetting in Answer Set Programming - A Survey. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, TPLP 23(1):111–156, 2023.
- On the limits of forgetting in Answer Set Programming. R. Goncalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and S. Woltran, Artificial Intelligence, 286, 2020.
- NoHR: An Overview. V. Kasalica, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and C. Lopes, Künstliche Intelligenz (2020).
- A syntactic operator for forgetting that satisfies strong persistence. M. Berthold, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, TPLP 19(5-6):1038-1055, 2019.
- Reactive multi-context systems: Heterogeneous reasoning in dynamic environments. G. Brewka, S. Ellmauthaler, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and J. Pührer, Artificial Intelligence, 256:68-104, 2018.
- When you must forget: Beyond strong persistence when forgetting in answer set programming. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and S. Woltran, TPLP, 17(5-6):837-854, 2017.
- What if no hybrid reasoner is available. M. Knorr, M. Slota, J. Leite, and M. Homola, J. Log. Comput. 24(6):1279-1311, 2014.
- Query-driven procedures for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases. J. J. Alferes, M. Knorr, and T. Swift, ACM Transactions in Computational Logic, 14(2):1-43, 2013.
- Local closed world reasoning with description logics under the well-founded semantics. M. Knorr, J. J. Alferes, and P. Hitzler, Artificial Intelligence, 175(9-10):1528-1544, 2011.
- Revising Boolean Logical Models of Biological Regulatory Networks. F. Aleixo, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, KR 2023, 12-22.
- Forgetting Web. M. Berthold, M. Knorr, and D. Odekerken, ICLP 2023 (Applications, Systems and Demo Track), 321-323.
- Towards Provenance in Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases. M. Knorr, C. Damásio, R. Gonçalves, and J. Leite, LPNMR 2022, 287-300.
- On Syntactic Forgetting Under Uniform Equivalence (Report). R. Gonçalves, T. Janhunen, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ICLP 2022, 191-193.
- Tractable Reasoning using Logic Programs with Intensional Concepts (Report). J. Heyninck, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ICLP 2022, 185-187.
- On Syntactic Forgetting Under Uniform Equivalence. R. Gonçalves, T. Janhunen, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, JELIA 2021, 297-312.
- Tractable Reasoning Using Logic Programs with Intensional Concepts. J. Heyninck, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, JELIA 2021, 329-345.
- Deep Neural Networks for Approximating Stream Reasoning with C-SPARQL. R. Ferreira, C. Lopes, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, L. Krippahl, and J. Leite, EPIA 2021, 338–350.
- Faster Than LASER - Towards Stream Reasoning with Deep Neural Networks. J. Ferreira, D. Lavado, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, L. Krippahl, and J. Leite, EPIA 2021, 363–375.
- Forgetting in Modular Answer Set Programming. R. Gonçalves, T. Janhunen, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and S. Woltran, AAAI 2019, 2843-2850.
- Telco Network Inventory Validation with NoHR. V. Kasalica, I. Gerochristos, J.J. Alferes, A.S. Gomes, M. Knorr, J. Leite, LPNMR 2019, 18-31.
- Forgetting in Answer Set Programming with Anonymous Cycles. M. Berthold, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, EPIA 2019, 552-565.
- Variable Elimination for DLP-Functions. R. Gonçalves, T. Janhunen, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and S. Woltran, KR 2018, 643-644.
- Integrating XSB Prolog with the OWL 2 profiles and beyond. C. Lopes, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, LPNMR 2017, 236-249.
- Iterative variable elimination in ASP. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, EPIA 2017, 643-656.
- The ultimate guide to forgetting in answer set programming. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, KR 2016, 135-144.
- You can’t always forget what you want: on the limits of forgetting in answer set programming. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ECAI 2016, 957-965.
- Inconsistency management in reactive multi-context systems. G. Brewka, S. Ellmauthaler, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and J. Pührer, JELIA 2016, 529-535.
- Forgetting in ASP: The forgotten properties. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, JELIA 2016, 543-550.
- Efficient paraconsistent reasoning with ontologies and rules. T. Kaminski, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, IJCAI-15, 3098-3105.
- Next Step for NoHR: OWL 2 QL. N. Costa, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ISWC 2015, 569-586.
- Querying LUBM with non-monotonic features in Protégé using NoHR. N. Costa, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ISWC 2015 (Posters & Demos).
- Minimal change in evolving multi-context systems. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, EPIA 2015, 611-623.
- Reasoning over ontologies and non-monotonic rules. V. Ivanov, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, EPIA 2015, 388-401.
- On efficient evolving multi-context systems. M. Knorr, R. Gonçalves, and J. Leite, PRICAI 2014, 284-296.
- Preserving strong equivalence while forgetting. M. Knorr and J. J. Alferes, JELIA 2014, 412-425.
- Evolving multi-context systems. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ECAI 2014, 375-380.
- A query tool for EL with non-monotonic rules. V. Ivanov, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ISWC 13, 215-231.
- NoHR: querying EL with non-monotonic rules. V. Ivanov, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ISWC 13 (Posters & Demos), 17-20.
- Non-monotonic temporal goals. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and Martin Slota, LPNMR 13, 374-386.
- Forgetting under the well-founded semantics (short paper). J. J. Alferes, M. Knorr, and K. Wang, LPNMR 13, 36-41.
- Recent advances in integrating OWL and rules (technical communication). M. Knorr, D. Carral Martínez, P. Hitzler, A. A. Krisnadhi, F. Maier, and C. Wang, RR 2012, 225-228.
- Reconciling OWL and non-monotonic rules for the Semantic Web. M. Knorr, P. Hitzler, and F. Maier, ECAI 2012, 474-479. (Extended Version)
- Normative systems require hybrid knowledge bases (extended abstract). M. Alberti, A. S. Gomes, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and M. Slota, AAMAS 2012, 1425-1426.
- Querying OWL 2 QL and non-monotonic rules. M. Knorr and J. J. Alferes, ISWC 2011, 338-353.
- Querying in EL+ with nonmonotonic rules. M. Knorr and J. J. Alferes, ECAI 2010, 1079-1080.
- Queries to hybrid MKNF knowledge bases through oracular tabling. J. J. Alferes, M. Knorr, and T. Swift, ISWC 2009, 1-16.
- A coherent well-founded model for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases. M. Knorr, J. J. Alferes, and P. Hitzler, ECAI 2008, 99-103.
- Towards tractable local closed world reasoning for the Semantic Web. M. Knorr, J. J. Alferes, and P. Hitzler, EPIA 2007, 3-14.
- Towards Explaining Actions of Learning Agents. B. Rodrigues, M. Knorr, L. Kripppahl, and R. Gonçalves, ALA 2023.
- Modular Provenance in Multi-Context Systems. M. Knorr, C. Damásio, R. Gonçalves, and J. Leite, XLoKR 2022.
- Obfuscating Knowledge in Modular Answer Set Programming. R. Gonçalves, T. Janhunen, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and S. Woltran, NMR2020.
- Towards Efficient Reasoning with Intensional Concepts. J. Heyninck, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, NMR2020.
- On some properties of forgetting in ASP. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, DARe 2016.
- Towards inconsistency management in reactive multi-context systems. G. Brewka, S. Ellmauthaler, R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and J. Pührer, DARe 2016.
- Well-founded paraconsistent semantics for hybrid theories composed of rules and ontologies. T. Kaminski, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, In JOWO 15, IJCAI workshop, 2015.
- Extending NoHR for OWL 2 QL. N. Costa, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, In JOWO 15, IJCAI workshop, 2015.
- Nonmonotonic nominal schemas revisited. M. Knorr, DL 2015.
- Reasoning efficiently with ontologies and rules in the presence of inconsistencies (extended abstract), T. Kaminski, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, DL 2015.
- Evolving bridge rules in evolving multi-context systems. R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, CLIMA XV, 2014, 52-69.
- Minimal change in evolving multi-context systems (preliminary report). R. Gonçalves, M. Knorr, and J. Leite, ReactKnow at ECAI 2014.
- Towards efficient evolving multi-context systems(preliminary report). M. Knorr, R. Gonçalves, and J. Leite, ReactKnow at ECAI 2014.
- Time is up! - Norms with deadlines in action languages. M. Knorr, A. Gabaldon, R. Gonçalves, J. Leite, and M. Slota, CLIMA XIV, 2013, 223-238.
- Towards action languages with norms and deadlines. M. Knorr, A. Gabaldon, R. Gonçalves, J. Leite, and M. Slota, NRAC’13.
- MKNF knowledge bases in multi-context systems. M. Homola, M. Knorr, J. Leite, and M. Slota, CLIMA XIII, 2012, 146-162.
- A comparison of disjunctive well-founded semantics. M. Knorr and P. Hitzler, FAInt at KI 2007.
- A well-founded semantics for hybrid MKNF knowledge bases. M. Knorr, J. J. Alferes, and P. Hitzler, DL 2007.
- Combining open and closed world reasoning for the Semantic Web. PhD Thesis, 2011.
- A comparative study of disjunctive well-founded semantics. Master’s Thesis, 2006.
- Level mapping characterizations for quantitative and disjunctive logic programs. Bachelor’s Thesis, 2003.
- NEURASPACE (C626449889-0046305) - since April 2022
- Sustainable Stone by Portugal (C644943391-00000051) - since April 2022
- FORGET (PTDC/CCI-INF/32219/2017) - October 2018 - September 2022
- DigForASP (COST Action 17124) - September 2018 - August 2020
- RIVER (PTDC/CCI-INF/30952/2017) (as Principal Investigator) - August 2018 - July 2022
- ABSOLV (028986/02/SAICT/2017)- July 2018 - June 2021
- Bridging Theory and Practise: Update Semantics and Multi-shot ASP (FCT/3151/9/3/2017/S) - April 2017 - March 2019
- ERRO (PTDC/EIA-CCO/121823/2010) - March 2012 - August 2015
- ReDIK (FCT/2487/3/6/2011/S) - April 2011 - March 2013
- REWERSE (NoE under FP6 - 506779) - March 2004 - February 2008
- Co-chair of the KRR track at EPIA 2022, Lisbon, 2021 (together with Pedro Cabalar, Eduardo Fermé, Ricardo Gonçalves, and Rafael Peñaloza)
- Co-chair of the KRR track at EPIA 2021, virtual event, 2021 (together with Pedro Cabalar, Eduardo Fermé, Ricardo Gonçalves, and Rafael Peñaloza)
- Co-chair of the KRR track at EPIA 2019, Vila Real, 2019 (together with Eduardo Fermé, Ricardo Gonçalves, Rafael Peñaloza, and Jörg Pührer)
- Co-chair of the KRR track at EPIA 2017, Porto, 2017 (together with Ricardo Gonçalves, Minh Dao-Tran, and Jörg Pührer)
- Prémio Científico IBM Portugal 2015