J. J. Alferes. Computational Logics for Knowledge
Representation. Course notes presented at the
Computational Logic and Logic Foundations of Computer
Science Summer School, Hanoi, August 22 - September 1,
J. J. Alferes and D. Pearce. Semantics of Logic Programs and
Nonmonotonic Reasoning (course notes). In
12th European Summer School on Logic Language and
Information, ESSLLI'00, FoLLI, Birmingham, UK, August
J. J. Alferes and L. M. Pereira, Reasoning with Logic Programming (course
notes). In 11th European Summer School on Logic
Language and Information, ESSLLI'99, FoLLI, Utrecht, The
Netherlands, August 1999.
J. J. Alferes. Inteligência Artificial e Processos de
Decisão. In Cadernos de Bioética, nº 22. 1999.
J. J. Alferes. Psicologia e Inteligência Artificial:
diferentes abordagens da "Inteligência". In 1º
Encontro Ibérico de Interfaces da Psicologia, Évora,
J. J. Alferes. Semântica de Programas em
Lógica. In Escola de Verão de Fundamentos
Matemáticos da Computação. Coimbra, September,
J. J. Alferes. A new semantics for logic programs with
two kinds of negation. In V. Dahl and A.
Sobrino (eds), Estudios sobre Programacion Logica y sus
Aplicationes. Publicacions da Univ. Santiago de
Compostela, 1996.
J. J. Alferes. Semantics of Logic Programs with Explicit
Negation. PhD thesis, Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, 1993.