Former PhD students:
- Ana Sofia Gomes. Transactions in Dynamic Reactive Environments. January 2015
- Matthias Knorr. Combining Open and Closed World Reasoning for the Semantic Web. September 2011.
- Iara Carnevale de Almeida. Distributed Knowledge Bases: A Proposal for Argumentation-based Semantics with Cooperation. January 2011
- Federico Banti. Evolving Reactive Logic Programs. February 2008.
Former MSc students:
- Bruno Areal. Building Anonymised Database Samples. December 2011.
- Bernardo Oliveira. Pesquisa e Navegação num arquivo de comunicações baseado em Ontologias. January 2011.
- Ricardo Neves. Classificação de Texto baseada em Ontologias. December 2010.
- Ygor Cardoso. Methods for Creation, Evaluation and Extension of Ontologies. October 2010.
- Ana Sofia Gomes. Derivation Methods for Hybrid Knowledge bases with rules and ontologies. November 2009.
- Victor Pablo Ceruelo. Negative Non-Ground Queries in the Well-Founded Semantics. October 2009.
- Tiago Franco. Bioinformatics Applications of a framework for reactivity in the Web. February 2009.
- Mito Belopeta. EVOLP applications to resource constrained agents. October 2008.
- Gaston Tagni. An Approach to Complex Event Detection in the Web. March 2007.
- Thanh Tu Nguyen. Knowledge Representation in Logic Programming. November 2006.