
The Workshop on LAnguages, methodologies and Development tools for multi-agent systemS aims to address both theoretical and practical issues related to developing and deploying multi-agent systems.

LADS promotes the discussion and exchange of ideas concerning concepts, methodologies, techniques and principles that are important for multi-agent programming technology, and application in areas such as the electronic institutions, semantic web, web services, security, grid computing, ambient intelligence, pervasive computing, and electronic contracting.

Following the success of LADS’007, LADS'009 will offer a rich forum for researchers that are interested in sharing their experiences about formal approaches, languages, engineering and technology aspects of multi-agent systems.

Post-proceedings of selected and revised LADS'009 papers will be published as a volume in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.

All enquiries to lads009@easychair.org

The Programme is now online here.