Accepted Papers

Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT)

AAMAS Workshop - Melbourne, 15 of July 2003

Call for Papers
Important Dates
Program Committee
Accepted Papers

  Accepted Papers
bulletA Proposal for Reasoning in Agents: Restricted Entailment [PDF][Bib]
L. Flax
bulletOperational Semantics for Agents by Iterated Refinement [PDF][Bib]
F. Bergenti, G. Rimassa and M. Viroli
bulletA Combined Logic of Expectation and Observation (A generalisation of BDI logics) [PDF][Bib]
B. Tran, J. Harland and M. Hamilton
bulletLogic-Based Electronic Institutions [PDF][Bib]
W. W. Vasconcelos
bulletExtending the Operational Semantics of a BDI Agent-Oriented Programming Language for Introducing Speech-Act Based Communication [PDF][Bib]
Á. F. Moreira, R. Vieira and R. H. Bordini
bulletLinear Logic, Partial Deduction and Cooperative Problem Solving [PDF][Bib]
P. Küngas and M. Matskin
bulletGo! for multi-threaded deliberative agents [PDF][Bib]
K. L. Clark and F. G. Mccabe
bulletA Logic-Based Infrastructure for Reconfiguring Applications [PDF][Bib]
M. Castaldi, S. Costantini, S. Gentile and A. Tocchio
bulletAn Agent-based Domain Specific Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Applications in Evolutionary Biology [PDF][Bib]
C. T. Son, E. Pontelli, D. Ranjan, B. Milligan and G. Gupta
bulletCoo-BDI: Extending the BDI Model with Cooperativity [PDF][Bib]
D. Ancona and V. Mascardi
bulletModeling interactions using social integrity constraints: a resource sharing case study [PDF][Bib]
M. Alberti, M. Gavanelli, E. Lamma, P. Mello and P. Torroni

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This site was last updated 20 Jun 2003